We have recently seen a large increase in Parkinson's Disease and I have to question as to why the is on the increase.
The increase in Parkinson's disease cases can be attributed to a combination of factors, reflecting both genuine rises in incidence and improvements in our ability to diagnose and report the condition. Here are some key reasons behind the observed increase:
1. Aging Population: Parkinson's disease is primarily a condition that affects older adults, usually developing around the age of 60 or older. With advancements in healthcare leading to longer life expectancies worldwide, there are simply more people reaching an age where they are vulnerable to Parkinson's disease. Hence, the prevalence of the disease increases as the population ages.
2. Better Diagnosis: Over the years, diagnostic tools and criteria for Parkinson's disease have improved dramatically. This means that more people are being accurately diagnosed with the condition than in the past, contributing to the apparent rise in cases. Enhanced awareness among both the public and healthcare professionals also plays a role in this.
3. Environmental Factors: There is increasing evidence to suggest that certain environmental factors may contribute to the risk of developing Parkinson's disease. These include exposure to pesticides and other toxins, rural living, and the presence of heavy metals in the environment. As exposure to such factors may increase due to changes in agriculture, industry, and urbanization, they could be contributing to the rise in Parkinson's disease cases.
4. Genetic Factors: While the majority of Parkinson's cases are sporadic, meaning they occur by chance, approximately 10-15% of cases have a familial link. As our understanding of the genetic aspects of Parkinson's improves, more people are becoming aware of their risk and are likely to seek diagnosis if symptoms appear.
5. Lifestyle Factors: Lifestyle factors, such as diet, exercise, and smoking, have been linked to Parkinson's risk. As global lifestyles change, with some leading towards less physical activity and more processed food consumption, these changes could indirectly impact the number of Parkinson's disease cases.
6. Increased Awareness and Reporting: Finally, increased public and professional awareness of Parkinson's disease has likely led to more people seeking medical advice for symptoms and, subsequently, a higher number of diagnosed cases. Moreover, improvements in healthcare systems and record-keeping in many parts of the world make it easier to track and report cases of Parkinson's disease.
And there is so much more that can be done that can help in the management of Parkinson's Disease including a variety of Physiotherapy modalities
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