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Don't be a sinner - be a winner!


A physiotherapy guide to New Year health

After weeks of festive overindulgence, gluttony and slothfulness might be the most obvious deadly sins to strike off in your New Year resolutions. But have you considered how greed and lust can also affect your health? To help 2005’s health 'sinners' shape up for the New Year, the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP) has produced 'Seven ways to better health' based on the traditional seven deadly sins, which includes tips on fulfilling healthy living resolutions.

Chartered physiotherapist Sammy Margo says: 'Christmas is over and the year is drawing to a close. If the annual fest of consumerism and seasonal excess has left you feeling a little sinful and unhealthy, you can still feel saintly simply by turning your deadly sin on its head!'

Over the festive period, and perhaps the year as a whole, many of us will be guilty of committing one or two common health sins, says Sammy.

'The concept of the seven traditional sins can easily be applied to modern day living. With

the sedentary lifestyles many of us lead, back, neck and shoulder pain is becoming increasingly common among the slothful. Others may have had a gluttonous experience during the festive season resulting in gaining a few pounds. If we continue to overindulge and take little exercise, such practices can take their toll on our physical and mental health. New Year resolutions are not just about taking up exercise, they’re also an opportunity to think of the ways we conduct our lives and evaluate what we are doing on a daily basis. Now is the time to start turning bad habits into good!'

The CSP is advising people to take stock and think about their physical and mental health. 'Seven ways to better health' is ideal for anyone who needs a bit of inspiration to kick-start a healthier lifestyle this New Year. Use the Word download link below to view the CSP guide.

Notes to editors For further information please call the CSP press office on 020 7306 6163/6616/6628 or mobiles: Prabh Salaman on 07795 564 240, Jennie Edmondson on 07786 332 197 or Becky Darke on 07900 160 349.

The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy is the professional, educational and trade union body for the country’s 45,000 chartered physiotherapists, physiotherapy students and assistants.

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